Friday, October 17, 2008

Wii Fit get!

So about 5 minutes after I beat Elebits, my copy of Wii Fit arrived in the mail. (Yeah, I bought it overpriced on ebay.) I haven't gotten to do any exercises yet, due to my crummy T.V set up and my brother who hates game noise, (I can't wear the headphones without bending down. My T.V is in an awkward place) but I played some of the balance board mini-games. It didn't take very long for me to figure out I could cheat by using my hands. I got 297 points in the soccerball game, and over 120 points in the marble madness type game.

Actually, I got the idea from an episode of "Angry Video Game Nerd" in which he was playing that track and field game for the NES, and he just got down on his knees and whacked the power pad with his hands.

I'll have to wait until I have the house to myself before I really try any exercises since the T.V in the living room is more suited for playing the Wii. (My room is tiny) I only set my in game goal for losing one pound within two weeks. I mean, I don't know how much I'm going for. The BMI had me dead center of the "Normal" section. I'm in perfect shape weight wise. In reality, I have no need for Wii Fit. But in the world of posture, I could use a lot of work.

Now that I have a blog, I'm gonna be posting a whole lot of pointless stuff. More so than I ever did on deviantart.

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